Poxer – Boxer & Pug Mix, Information, Pet Care & Characteristics

Poxer is a delightful dog breed that stems from the cross-breeding of a Boxer and a Pug. These charming canines have a lively and playful personality that endears them to families and individuals seeking a loyal companion.

Poxers are medium-sized dogs with a short, low-maintenance coat that requires minimal grooming effort. Their energy levels make them ideal for outdoor activities and long walks, making them the perfect pet for those with active lifestyles.

While the Poxer’s good character is one of its strong points, their flat faces inherited from both parent breeds increase their susceptibility to brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome (BOAS).

The description of the Poxer

The Boxer, derived from the Poxer, was initially developed in 19th century Germany from the now-extinct Bullenbeisser dog. These dogs were originally bred for bull-baiting, but they soon found a new niche working in slaughterhouses where they were valued for their ability to round up and control cattle.

Due to their charming and playful nature, Boxers became popular outside of Germany after World War I, earning their name from an old German word for “slaughter” or “slaughterhouse.” The Poxer is a cross between the Boxer and another breed, resulting in a dog with unique characteristics and traits.

The Pug breed is undoubtedly one of the oldest breeds of dogs, tracing back to two centuries BC in China. The breed’s popularity grew compared to two other flat-nosed species, and their common ancestor is the Tibetan Mastiff.

These Pugs were highly regarded, and many Emperors owned them. Some Pugs had their guards, a testament to their high societal status. The breed’s evolution over time has led to the Pug becoming a beloved companion for many families worldwide.

While relatively new, the Poxer has already gained a following among dog lovers who appreciate its energy, intelligence, and affectionate nature. With its roots in two robust and capable working breeds, the Boxer is an excellent choice for those looking for a loyal and devoted companion.


The Poxer is a short-coated breed that is relatively low-maintenance in grooming. Regular at-home coat care is essential, while they don’t require a trip to the grooming parlor.

This moderate shedding breed benefits from daily brushing to prevent fur from accumulating on the furniture, but it also helps improve the coat’s appearance. Daily tooth brushing is essential for the Poxer, given their crowded teeth.

As this helps prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Additionally, if your Poxer has Pug wrinkles, it’s essential to conduct daily checks to ensure the creases are clean and healthy. Your Poxer can lead a happy and healthy life by staying up-to-date on grooming and care.

Character & Temperament

Both genetic traits and early life experiences influence a dog’s personality and temperament. This means that regardless of breed, it is essential to socialize puppies from a young age to ensure a happy and well-adjusted adult dog.

When it comes to the Boxer and Pug breeds, both are known for their fantastic characters. The Poxer, a crossbreed of both these breeds, may inherit the best traits of both parents, resulting in a loving, confident, and loyal companion.

Although there is no guarantee which traits a Poxer will inherit, leaning toward one parent is unlikely to hurt their character. Taking on a furry friend can be an enriching experience, but as with anything, it comes with challenges.

Canine naughtiness is common for many dogs, but it’s never without good intentions. Though it can sometimes be frustrating, a playful and occasionally mischievous nature indicates high spirits, never malice.

Weight:20 – 25lbs
Height:14 – 20 inches
Lifespan:10 – 14 years
Coat Colors:Brindle, Black, Brown, Fawn, Silver
Temperament: Intelligent, protective,attention-seeking, stubborn & playful
Most Suitable ForCouples without children, Families with children, single individuals & the elderly


While no specific data is available on the health conditions that Poxers are most likely to experience, it’s essential to consider the parent breeds when considering their health risks.

Generally, mixed breeds can inherit health problems from their parents, so it’s reasonable to assume that the Poxer may be susceptible to some of the health issues associated with its parent breeds.

For example, Pugs are prone to respiratory issues, and Bulldogs often experience joint problems. Observing your Poxer closely and providing them with routine check-ups and preventative care can help minimize potential health concerns that may arise in the future.


When it comes to hybrid breeds like the Poxer, it’s hard to predict what kind of pup you’ll end up with. While some may exhibit a perfect blend of parent breeds, others may lean heavily toward one side of the family tree.

One thing to consider is that both Boxers and Pugs share certain features on a different scale. While Boxers have a slightly elongated snout, Pugs have more enormous, more prominent eyes and extra skin folds.

These differences may seem small, but they can impact the appearance of the Poxer pup. It’s all a matter of chance and genetics, which makes owning a hybrid breed like the Poxer even more exciting.

If you’re looking for a new furry friend, you may have encountered the Poxer. This unique breed is a 50:50 mix of the Boxer and the Pug, resulting in a medium-sized dog with a flattened face, round skull, and plenty of wrinkles.

One of the defining characteristics of the Poxer is their drop ears, which give them an adorable and expressive look. However, it’s important to note that both Boxers and Pugs are prone to an undershot jaw, which means that the Poxer may also have protruding teeth on their lower jaw.


Poxers are undeniably adorable, but their energetic nature makes them challenging to train. While their enthusiasm is endearing, it can also be a hindrance when trying to get their attention and teach them new behaviors.

Owners should approach training sessions with patience, using positive reinforcement to reward good behavior and make the experience enjoyable for the dog. Think of it like playing a game, rather than a chore, to keep the Poxer engaged and interested.

With consistent training throughout their life, these furry bundles of energy can become well-behaved, well-rounded pets.

Advantages of having a Poxer

  • Its adorable features and diminutive stature
  • Amiable personality and loving family-oriented
  • Mediocre health, moderate activity
  • Lowered shedding
  • Great watchdog monitoring

Crossbreeds with Boxers include:

A Poxer’s estimated cost

The price of a Poxer can vary greatly, depending on several factors. One of the most important factors is the demographics of the parents used to breed the dog. Higher quality, purebred parents will typically result in a more expensive Poxer.

Another critical factor is the pedigree of the parents. An excellent pedigree can add significant value to a Poxer, potentially increasing the price. While there is no clear-cut formula for determining the cost of a Poxer, an estimate of around $300 is typically a good starting point.

Where to get a Poxer?

When it comes to purchasing a Pug Boxer mix, it’s important to do your research and find a reputable breeder. While it may be tempting to go with just any seller, selecting a Poxer from a good breeder will save you and your furry friend a lot of trouble.

A breeder with a reputation for genetically filtering their parent dogs will help ensure that your pet has good habits, a pleasant temperament, and optimal health. Don’t fall for the trap of finding the cheapest option – instead, take the time to do your due diligence when searching online for the perfect Poxer in your area.

What Does a Poxer Look Like?

If you’re looking for a dog with a unique physical appearance, the Boxer Pug mix might be up your alley. This mixed breed will inherit traits from its parent breeds, resulting in a healthy blend of characteristics. The Boxer Pug mix might be a tad bigger than your average Pug.

They are sporting a rounder belly and longer body. The drooping ears of a Boxer might also make an appearance, giving this hybrid pup an irresistible charm.

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Who Are Boxers a Good Dog For?

Boxers are popular among families due to their small size and weight. They are known to be great with children, forming strong bonds with their owners and being fiercely loyal pets. But their affection doesn’t end there.

They are also loving and gentle dogs, exuding a sense of warmth and affection towards their families. With moderate energy levels, Boxers also make for great indoor dogs, being content with lounging around with their owners or playing with the kids.

Boxers are lovely and loyal companions, perfect for any family looking for a cuddly and energetic pet.

How Popular Are Boxers in the United States?

While relatively new to America, boxers have made themselves known as a beloved family dog. Over the last few decades, they have slowly risen as a popular breed, currently the 14th most popular in the US.

While initially used as hunting and guard dogs, Boxers have proven to be a loyal and affectionate companion for families. They are known for their high energy levels and willingness to play, making them an ideal choice for families with children.

When Did We First Crossbreed The Boxer?

The precise origins of Boxers and their crossbreeding remain shrouded in mystery. However, it is well-known that Boxers, with their impressive size and temperament, make for a highly desirable cross with other breeds of a similar size.

Despite lacking concrete documentation on their ancestry, Boxers are widely recognized for their distinctive physical characteristics: a muscular build, a square-shaped face, and droopy jowls.

Their loyal disposition and remarkable intelligence make them perfect companions for active families or those seeking a reliable watchdog. Despite being a relatively popular breed, the fascinating history of the Boxer’s crossbreeding remains a mystery and open to interpretation.

  • Beagle Boxer Mix (Bogle)
  • Chihuahua Boxer Mix (Boxachi)
  • Boxer Golden Retriever Mix (Golden Boxer)
  • German Shepherd Boxer Mix (Boxer Shepherd)

Who Is The Pug a Good Dog For?

The Pug has become a beloved family pet, and it’s easy to see why. Their small, compact size and adorable appearance make them the perfect companion. They are known for their loving and loyal nature and tendency always to want to be near their owners.

Despite their playful and energetic temperament, they are also calm and collected, making them the ideal pet for families with kids or even those without.

How Popular Are Pugs in the United States?

Despite their clumsy and comical demeanor, Pugs have won countless Americans’ hearts. Their distinctive appearance, smushed faces, wrinkled brows, and curly tails are undoubtedly part of their appeal.

But it’s their friendly and affectionate personalities that genuinely make them stand out. With their goofy expressions and plump bodies, Pugs never fail to bring a smile to their owners’ faces.

Their popularity has only grown over the years, with the breed ranking as the 33rd most popular dog in the country in 2021, according to the American Kennel Club. Despite their popularity, Pugs remain humble and endearingly clumsy, reminding us that sometimes we love the quirkiest things the most.

How Did The Pug Come About?

The history of the Pug is fascinating. This beloved breed was initially created in Ancient China, where they were cherished as companion pets for Chinese royalty and nobility. It’s believed that Pugs were originally bred around 400 BCE and quickly became a symbol of prestige and wealth.

Over time, the Pug made its way to England and the Netherlands, where they quickly became favorites amongst the reigning monarchs. Even Queen Victoria was a fan of these small dogs and helped to solidify their place in many English households.

In the early 20th century, Pugs became immensely popular in the United States, and their adorable faces and friendly personalities earned them a well-deserved reputation as the perfect family pet. Today, Pugs remain just as beloved as they were thousands of years ago and are treasured by owners all around the globe.

Breed Control for Box-a-Pugs

Box-a-Pugs are an adorable cross between a Boxer and a Pug, and their distinctive physical characteristics make them stand out in a crowd. However, brushing this breed at least twice a week is essential to keep their appearance as delightful as possible.

While they do not shed much, brushing helps eliminate any loose hairs or debris that may have accumulated. It is also crucial to keep their wrinkles, especially on their forehead and head, clean and dry.

These folds are prone to harboring bacteria or yeast, leading to unpleasant odors or infections. Furthermore, some Boxers have sensitive skin; your Box-a-Pug may inherit this predisposition. In conclusion, regular brushing and proper care are essential to keep your Box-a-Pug looking and feeling healthy and beautiful.

What is the difference between a Pug and a Boxer?

Regarding dog breeds, Pugs and Boxers are two of the most distinct and easily recognizable breeds around. One noticeable difference between these two breeds is their size. Pugs typically weigh between 14-18 pounds and stand about 10-13 inches.

While Boxers typically weigh between 55-70 pounds and stand at a height of around 22-27 inches. This size discrepancy can be substantial and manifest in other physical differences between the two breeds.

Do Boxers have separation anxiety?

For dog lovers who own Boxers, separation anxiety is a familiar problem. Many Boxers have a strong attachment to their families, making it difficult to be away from their human companions.

A Boxer may become anxious, agitated, and destructive when left alone for long periods. Separation anxiety can be a challenging issue to deal with, but there are steps that owners can take to address it.

Understanding the causes and symptoms of separation anxiety is the first step in finding a solution. Despite its prevalence in Boxers, with patience and proper training, separation anxiety can be managed effectively, ensuring a happy and healthy relationship between pet and owner.


How big does the Boston Terrier Boxer mix get?

The Boston Terrier Boxer mix, also known as a Boston Boxer, is a small-to-medium-sized dog that typically weighs between 22 and 55 pounds. Their height can range from 15 to 23 inches from the shoulder, but it’s important to note that they can be larger or smaller than the average size due to their mixed-breed heritage.

Is a Boxer mix a good family dog?

With its solid and muscular build, a Boxer mix has a reputation for being a fierce and intimidating dog.The Boxer’s temperament is playful, affectionate, and loyal.

Which makes them great family pets. They love to play and be active, making them perfect for kids and adults who enjoy outdoor activities.


Poxer is a beautiful breed for any home. Their unique heritage makes them a one-of-a-kind canine that can bring immense happiness to their owners. The blend of a Boxer and Pug gives this pup the best of both breeds: loving, goofy, and energetic, but also small enough to curl up on your lap.

Plus, they are just so darn cute! Beyond being the perfect pet for the right family, the Poxer will give years of unconditional love and affection in return. When looking for your next furry family member, consider an adorable Poxer an excellent companion and entertainment choice.

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